**This originally appeared as a page on our website. In effort to simplify, several pages have been moved to the blog. Front: Carolyn JurrensBack: Kristen Kemp Sewing by CarolynFacebook Business Page Looking for Sewing Alterations services? Please call us 📱 9-5, M-F at the shop. 507-545-2071. ALL Formalwear alterations are done by reservations. Our lists are available here. We can keep sewing if you call us, typing takes us away from our machines, and we can't respond to messages ...
**This originally appeared as a page on our website. In effort to simplify, several pages have been moved to the blog. In the summer of 2020, I was sewing along and thinking about how the sewists in the world were the ones to meet the needs of the masses by sewing 😷 masks. (Which isn't a topic I want to dive into, it just was the catalyst for MANY to sit and sew - either for the first time or again.) Anyways… While the hobbyists & crafters were sitting down to swoop in and save the ...
**This originally appeared as a page on our website. In effort to simplify, several pages have been moved to the blog. What to do if we're full... Turning folks away is the hardest part of our job, but we would never sleep if we took everyone. "But how do I know that the person I choose isn't going to ruin my dress?" Good question. Here are some tips and tricks to finding an alterations specialist if we aren't available. Look for reviews, ask at the local bridal shops for ...
**This originally appeared as a page on our website. In effort to simplify, several pages have been moved to the blog. Set up Appointments Appointments to come and have a fitting do not book up nearly as fast as getting on our reservation list at all. If you're on our Reservation Lists for formal clothing, will receive an email 12 weeks ahead of your Reserved Wear Date. In that email, you may click the link to schedule your appointment online! However, if you have ANY ...
**This originally appeared as a page on our website during the pandemic, before blogs were included on our platform. In effort to simplify, several pages have been moved to the blog.Updates to FAQ's made Fall of 2024. Pricing Formalwear Alterations Every so often, folks will call up asking for a quote so that they can price compare before choosing who should do their alterations. There are so many factors that go into the pricing of the work, that it is extremely difficult to give an ...
**This originally appeared as a page on our website. In effort to simplify, several pages have been moved to the blog. Shoes and Hems I cannot even begin to tell you how many folks tell us, "the shoes are like this pair" and then when the bring the shoes... They are INCHES different! Shop Rule: We will NOT mark a hem on a dress without the ACTUAL SHOES you will be wearing for your event. sc = ...
**This originally appeared as a page on our website. In effort to simplify, several pages have been moved to the blog. Alright friends ☕ Let's talk about 👙 boobs and 👗 formal clothing. When you're looking to have a formal dress altered, then most likely you'll need to wear a bra with your dress to lift your bust to the curve of the dress. Shop Rule: Larger than a C cup and you'll need more support than just the dress!! sc = ...
**This originally appeared as a page on our website. In effort to simplify, several pages have been moved to the blog. I Need Alterations on Formalwear:What should I know? There are lots of people who used to sew in our surrounding communities, but most of them have retired. Because of that, there are way more people who want sewing services than there are people like us who can do the work. Since Sewing by Carolyn has been rocking the business world for over three decades, it's ...
**This originally appeared as a page on our website. In effort to simplify, several pages have been moved to the blog. 👋Hi there!! Let's Chat! ☕ In case we haven't met yet... Hi, my name is Kristen Kemp. I am a Professional Sewist by career, specializing in Clothing Alterations on regular clothing and Formalwear, like wedding gowns and bridesmaid dresses. I am also a Certified Bra Pattern Drafter and Instructor (Bare Essentials Method) by hobby. The nitty gritty: I grew up in the ...
This morning I've been heads down filming content for our newest Action Lab. Instead of doing huge courses that would take up a bunch of time for everyone, I'm focusing in on one skill at a time to keep the instruction short and actionable - because what good is education if it isn't packaged in a way to show you how to take Action? So what's the current Lab about? It's about rolled hems on formalwear. Lots of folks are able to buy a dress that is *close to fitting right* but ...
A customer of ours brought in this favorite bikini top and the underwires were poking out of the armpits by almost a whole inch! As someone who is obsessed with bra sewing as a side hobby, I can tell you why this happened. For starters, the manufacturer should have left more space in the channeling so there was at least a centimeter of empty space in the channeling so the wire had the space to bend and flex with the body when worn. Secondly, this client has run this top through the ...
Sewing Alterations is a trade that doesn't get advertised even as much as trade school does, because there isn't a "trade school for Sewing Alterations" You can go to school for Textile arts and design, but that is NO WHERE NEAR the information you'd learn on the job from a mentor - which is literally why I do what I do.
This day sneaks up on me every year. Partly because its a day that does not really feel like mine to celebrate, because it is a story of my mom, Carolyn, coming into her own, and I get to be along for the ride. #grateful When Carolyn was in high school, she was failing chemistry, but could be found in the Home Economics room sewing away at a 5 piece suit. While everyone else sewed a simple skirt, she managed to do a jacket, vest, skirt and pants while sewing a shirt to go with it at home. When ...
Clothing alterations are my favorite type of sewing, and maybe it's because I believe in redemption for anything. So many people are against alterations, but even when you sew from scratch, you still need to alter the garment to make it your shape. If you plan to make that garment again, then you will have to transfer those alterations to the pattern. I highly recommend getting clothing from the thrift store and practice hemming pants or practice taking in side seams... to see what works and ...
I'm busty. A quick look through our website and you'll see a fair amount of discussion on boobs, bra fit, and the importance of having a good foundation garment. Something that I personally am overly conscious about is the fit of T-shirts, because they generally aren't designed with busty people in mind. Being somewhere around a size 18/20, most "feminine cut" shirts don't come large enough and when I finally do get a circumference that will go around my bust, the shoulders are obnoxiously large because shirts are typically proportioned for "men" or a "unisex" fit (which means no boobs).
Learn how to achieve the perfect fit for your clothes with these 10 tips for sewing alterations. Measuring accurately, choosing the right fabric and thread, and practicing on scrap fabric are just a few of the tips provided in this blog post. With these tips, you'll be able to save money and add a personal touch to your clothes. Happy sewing!
If you're like me, one of the rabbit trails I've definitely gone down on the internet is the vintage drafting books that are past their copywrite dates and are in the public domain. This is one example of what you can find on the internet if you dig hard enough. Various archive websites have these nice viewers that you can embed anywhere such as this book: My FAVORITE book on the internet though, was part of a website that existed many years ago and through much digging, I was able to ...
Just when I think I've written everything there is to know about bra cups, dresses, and how larger busted people can make this work for them, I find out there's things I just haven't written down... anywhere.
We've had a reservation list for a long time for Wedding Gowns, however, for the first time in 32 years, we've had to implement a reservation list for all the other formal clothing because, as much as we want to help everyone, we also need to sleep sometimes.
I graduated in the year 2000 and I'm on the older end of the generation that is labeled as Millennials; I turned 40 last year. However, I'm also from an American Midwest farm, which means there are aspects of my upbringing that align with the typical upbringing of a Gen Xer. Farm culture in this area used to involve having someone in the family with sewing skills, as farming was financially uncertain and buying new clothes was a luxury. Fast fashion only emerged in the 1980s, so sewing became ...
Whether you're sewing or hiring a sewist, your clothing will be shaped like your undergarments. Therefore, it is imperative that you learn to buy the right bra. Checkout our post on bra fitting.
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